Events Schedule




MOSS Gambler Event


1. Bless+Soul Excellent: 3 Jewel of Bless + 3 Jewel of Soul

- Excellent Weapons 3~6 Options (35%)
- Excellent Items 3~6 Options (40%)
- Wings Level 2 (20%)
- Wings Level 3 (5%)

2. Harmony Jewelry: 5 Jewel of Harmony
- Excellent Pendants 3~6 Options (40%)
- Excellent Rings 3~6 Options (40%)
- Earring Level300 (5%)
- Earring Level700 (2,5%)
- Conqueror's Badge (12,5%)
(MOSS Gambler Wings Conqueror cannot be upgraded, so the Wings still +0+0 always)

3. Chaos Jewelry: 10 Jewel of Chaos
- Excellent Pendants 3~6 Options (40%)
- Excellent Rings 3~6 Options (40%)
- Earring Level300 (5%)
- Earring Level700 (2,5%)
- Conqueror's Badge (12,5%)
(MOSS Gambler Wings Conqueror cannot be upgraded, so the Wings still +0+0 always)

4. Creation Jewelry: 10 Jewel of Creation
- Excellent Pendants 3~6 Options (40%)
- Excellent Rings 3~6 Options (40%)
- Earring Level300 (5%)
- Earring Level700 (2,5%)
- Conqueror's Badge (12,5%)
(MOSS Gambler Wings Conqueror cannot be upgraded, so the Wings still +0+0 always)

5. Miracle Ancients: 1 Miracle + 3 Jewel of Life
- Ancients + Excellent Pr0 Items (100%)
ex: Hyon, Vicions, Enis, Gaion, Aruan, Agnis, etc)

6. Miracle Special: 10 Miracle
- Garuda Feather (2%)
- Garuda Flame (2%)
- Pentagrama Level300 (25%)
- Expansion Radiance (10%)
- Talisman Elemental Change (10%)
- Fenrir Red (25%)
- Fenrir Blue (5%)
- Fenrir Black (5%)
- Fenrir Illusion (1%)
- 10.000 Ruud (10%)
- 50.000 Ruud (8%)
- Wing Level 3 (5%)
- Pendant Socket (2%)
- Earring Left & Right (10%)

7. Miracle Weapon: 255 Miracle
- HolyAngel Weapons Excellent (40%)
- Archangel Weapons Excellent (20%)
- Conqueror Wings Tier 2 (15%)
- Pendant Socket (20%)
- Wings of Power (5%)

3. Where Find Miracle Coin?

- Lorencia DROP (00:00, 03:00, 06:00, 09:00, 12:00, 15:00, 18:00, 21:00) 
- All Spots (Rate: 0,001%)
- Arena + Vulcanus (Rate: 0,01%)
- All Invasions (50% ~ 10%)
- Cash Shop (Coin)