Events Schedule




Game Master Events [Survivor & Tag]

These 2 Events are Game Master Events.
He/She will login ingame and make the Event for you guys.
So, this Event has not schedule for happen.
Pay attention in game, participate, and win =)


TAG Event:

1. How to Participate?
- The Game Master (GM) will start the TAG Event with one Command.
- For participate, you need use /tag to join the Event.
- Wait the time to Event Start

2. How to Play?

- GM will try to TAG you.
- Run away as fast as you can and dont get TAG (hehe).
- If you are TAGGED, you can TAG other people too!
- The last one to be Tagged, win the Event!

3. Prizes:

Participation Prize: 250 Goblin Points
If you Tag People you get: 200 Goblin Points (per people tagged)
Event Winner: 5.000 Goblin Points


Survivor Event:

1. How to Participate?
- The Game Master (GM) will start the SURVIVOR Event with one Command.
- For participate, you need use /survivor to join the Event.
- Wait the time to Event Start

2. How to Play?

- Run away, Kill everyone ... whatever you think is the best strategy!
- When you die, you cannot back and you lose the Event.
- The last player in the Event, win the Event!

3. Prizes:

Event Winner: 500 Coins